In The News
1. This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. The Japanese has created an intellectual candy kit series. One of its products is called Popin' Cookin!, a Japanese DIY sushi candy kit. It is advertised as affordable, safe and fun edible toy for both kids and adults. You should watch the video on how to turn powder to gummy sushi and fish roe.
2. Are soy products endangering or benefiting our health? Check out Dr Oz's The Two Faces of Soy
3. Read M.Pollan's memo "Farmer in Chief" to President Obama on food issues in America. US food system and agribusiness are relying heavily on fuel fossils and slowly killing our planet by polluting our air and soil. Current policies are somewhat successful in providing accessible food at cheaper prices but in the long term, they contribute to a mono-culture diet (ie fast food) and an obesity epidemic. Pollan calls for a change in policies to bring back balance through the ways we farm and deal with food.
4. An interesting spin on bread making by Master breadmaker Peter Reinhart.