Puerto Rico

Map of Puerto Rico

We spent some time in the towns (circled in yellow). The yellow lines were our approximate journeys during our 6 days PR trip

Here is a list of encounters I deem interesting when traveling around Puerto Rico:

1. Margaritas in Mexican restaurants are strong. Carole would say it's pretty much tequila and lime

2. Buildings are painted in bright colors

The following are pictures of classic PR food. Plantain, rice and beans are never strangers in this nation's cuisine.

The gang in Fort San Felipe del Morro :)

Stuffed fried plantain with chicken rice

3. Mavi, pina colada, fruit juices and Medalla light beer are common drinks

Breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon and local flat bread- toasted and generously buttered

Pina colada and papaya juice

4. PR food consists of fried and deep fried food. To name a few, tostones (deep fried plantains), fried sweet plaintains and sorullos de Maiz (fried corn sticks). There is a big difference between good and bad PR food

Mofongo Relleno de Langosta aka Lobster mofongo

Tostones with a sweet dipping sauce

5. Fresh fruits are in abundant. Coconuts, bananas, papayas, pineapples and mangos are plentiful. I saw my first avocado tree and tried a brown round fruit called Mamey

6. Fruit fly-like flies linger by the beach, come out in the evening and sting like h*ll

7. Bioluminescent waters are cool

8. Zip-lining through a fog, over rainforest tree tops, in the rain and lightning across 800+ feet can be scary!

9. Ask for discounts. We got half price for snorkeling gear and kayaks

10. Cab drivers can be friendly and crazy at the same time. We rode in a van filled with 15 people without a single safety belt in sight and a stick in the middle of the van to hold a falling ceiling

11. Smartphones work

12. You can own about anything- boat, horse, mountain, mansion, etc

13. Conversing in Spanish helps to get around

14. Conch salad is pretty delicious

15. Swimming by the mangroves is prefectly OK

16. Boat guide can find starfish

17. I have never seen so many sea urchins in one spot in my life

18. The cliff near a lighthouse somewhere south west of the island is where they shot a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean

19. Pigeons are overfed and not afraid of humans if you have food

20. Piraguas is another name for shaved ice with fruit syrups

21. Beware of wild horses' poop on the beach

22. People ride bareback on horses as means of transportation

23. Roads are tiny in most of the streets

24. Local guide knows the best spots on the islands

Sausage rice (top) and churrasco (bottom) with plantain, rice and beans as complementary dishes

Octopus salad... very yummy!

Clear blue waters by the beach in Cab0 Rojo

25. If you wonder why the cobbled streets in old San Juan are blue, it is because the Spanish incorporated sea shells that give out the blue hue

26. Sun block and aloe vera lotion are necessities! Shades and hats are encouraged

27. Don't be surprise to see a reggaeton band playing in an Irish pub

28. Electric cables run on roof tops in old San Juan

29. Most food are served on plastic or styrofoam plates accompanied with plastic forks and knives. Unless you eat in nicer restaurants. Reason is this reduces cleaning costs

Desserts are pretty small: flan (top) and tres leche cake (bottom)

Date: 6/11/2011